Framed Art by Dawne Raulet


Stockbroker turned artist, Dawne Raulet stumbled into painting when she least expected it. Frazzled by a full-time financial career, with two babies at home and in need of a quick break, Dawne attended a watercolor workshop.“Afterwards, I realized that for an entire two hour period I had been completely focused on the peaceful waterfall we were painting…and nothing else! It was then that art became my sanctuary and I’ve been obsessed with painting ever since.”

Dawne’s current body of work is made up of mixed media. Acrylic, wax, photography and other ingredients all harmonize beautifully on the panels she paints. Her graceful treatment of horses, sheep, birds and cows elevates these humble creatures to elegant and mesmerizing heights.

We have 3 of her framed pieces:

Duck 24” square

Sheep 24” square

Horse 24” x 30

Selling as the set of three

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